Southern Hospitality

Monday, July 11, 2005

Givin' the Guv'ment It's Due

Here's an interesting story making the rounds in Georgia:

The Georgia Department of Revenue uncovered 2,209 fraudulent tax returns during the recent tax-filing season — including 10 filed by its own employees.

The employees, who were caught claiming unauthorized dependents, all resigned or were fired, Revenue Department spokesman Charles Willey said.

The department is demanding that the former employees reimburse the state a total of $4,042. The agency stopped refunds totaling about $2.8 million to the others, Willey said.

My favorite part of the story though?

In May, officials said they had started garnisheeing the wages of 32 state employees for back taxes. The list included two metro Atlanta lawmakers, Rep. Ron Sailor (D-Decatur) and state Sen. Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta).

The reason being, Ron Sailor is my state representative. Fun times.


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