Southern Hospitality

Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Freedom from British Tyranny Day!

So, after a day of breaking my personal distance record and running 2.5 miles, cooking out, thunderstorms, a Braves shut-out, and watching Cool Hand Luke, I seem to be left with only 15 minutes to post something for Independence Day and for that post to still be relevant. I can't really think of anything inspirational in these last few minutes and I'm not really in the mood to write anything about how much I love or hate my country, so I will leave y'all with a simple question:

Are you more likely to call today's holiday the "4th of July" or "Independence Day," because I've noticed today after several "Happy 4th of July!"s that Independence Day isn't as popular of a distinction for the holiday as I had thought, even though that's what it is officially called. Any thoughts?

I tried googling and this is what I got:

Results 1 - 10 of about 204,000 for "happy 4th of july". (0.15 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 55,900 for "happy independence day". (0.09 seconds)

Fun times.

Oh, and tomorrow (which is in like 11 minutes), July 5, is my birthday. I'll turn 22. Wish me happy birthday or something.


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