Bobby Brown Update

Hoping to redeem himself in the eyes of the public, everybody's favorite way-past-his-prime bad boy, Bobby Brown, is apparantly* doing a new reality show entitled "Being Bobby Brown." Why is he doing this, you may ask?
Brown admits the show is partly a bid to restart his career. "I'm just an entertainer, man, that is trying hard to get back in."
He also hopes the show will put to rest all the gossip about him based on his run-ins with the law. He says he's "sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the garbage that's out there."
His perogative indeed. Of course, as The Newlyweds and The Anna Nicole Show have taught us, signing on to do a reality show is the perfect way to boost one's image among the American viewing public.
Well, this isn't exactly the best way to go about improving that image. The headline speaks for itself:
Members of Bobby Brown's entourage stabbed during fight
Monday, May 23, 2005 Posted: 8:56 AM EDT (1256 GMT)
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Two members of singer Bobby Brown's entourage were hospitalized for treatment of knife wounds after a fight at a restaurant early Monday, police said.
Although Brown wasn't involved in the altercation, I find it damned amazing that this guy can't stay from negative publicity. He doesn't even have to be at the scene! More power to him though.
*The Atlanta Journal-Constitution requires free registration.
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