Newt 4 President

It seems Georgia's favorite right-wing son is mulling a run for the presidency in 2008. Of course, this isn't the same Newt Gingrich that, as Speaker of the House, led the 1994 Republican ass-whooping of the Democrats which we are still reeling from 10 years later. Nope. This Newt Gingrich has been publically shamed and humiliated after he was exposed as a hypocrite and an adulterer. And just in case you've forgotten how much of a douchebag Newt Gingrich was:
"He famously visited Jackie in the hospital where she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer to discuss details of the divorce. He later resisted paying alimony and child support for his two daughters, causing a church to take up a collection. For all of his talk of religious faith and the importance of God, Gingrich left his congregation over the pastor's criticism of his divorce."I really don't see a Rudy Giuliani-ish return to the national spotlight for Newt, but I really hope he win the Republican nomination in 2008. *crosses fingers*
"Gingrich's most recent ex-wife says he ditched her eight months after finding out she had multiple sclerosis. Marianne Gingrich, 48, shopping a book proposal "both personal and political" about how women are treated in D.C., says the ex-speaker of the House told her on Mother's Day 1999 that he wanted a divorce, after learning she had a neurological condition that could lead to MS..."
Seriously though, I believe that nobody, Democrat or Republican, should be talking about the presidential election in 2008 (do you hear that Senators Biden and Feingold). I don't know why everybody seems to have forgot about the 2006 mid-term elections. Let's not forget the Republicans deeboed their way into Congressional leadership during a mid-term election.
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