Eddie Long, Profiteer
Here is some recent news about my "neighbor."
Bishop's charity generous to bishop
My favorite part of the article is this little gem:
What an uppity prick.
Here are even more reasons as to why I don't like Eddie Long and New Birth.
Bishop's charity generous to bishop
In 1995, Bishop Eddie Long established a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity to help the needy and spread the gospel.
But it was Long, leader of the largest church congregation in Georgia, who became the charity's biggest beneficiary.
The charity, Bishop Eddie Long Ministries Inc., provided him with at least $3.07 million in salary, benefits and the use of property between 1997 and 2000 — nearly as much as it gave to all other recipients combined during those years, tax records show.
My favorite part of the article is this little gem:
Long, 52, defended his compensation during an interview about his charity. He's transformed New Birth, based in Lithonia, from a 300-member church to a 25,000-member megachurch with a global presence, according to the church's Web site.
"We're not just a church, we're an international corporation," Long said. "We're not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can't talk and all we're doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House. I deal with Tony Blair. I deal with presidents around this world. I pastor a multimillion-dollar congregation.
"You've got to put me on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there that's supposed to be just getting by because the people are suffering."
What an uppity prick.
Here are even more reasons as to why I don't like Eddie Long and New Birth.
Where do these quotes come from and are they true sources? Just curious.
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
thanks for this great link ,,
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