Southern Hospitality

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Denise, We Barely Knew Ye...

Denise Majette seems to have accepted a part-time judgeship. Will she run for public office again? Who knows? What I do know, is that in her short two-year stint in the limelight, she had rocked the status quo off of its foundation, having unseated 6-term Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002 and won the Democratic nomination for US Senate in 2004 (and becoming the first African-American to win a party nomination for US Senate in Georgia). Ironically, things are exactly the same as when she first came into office. Come January, once again will McKinney represent District 4 and will a conservative represent Georgia in the Senate. I've never liked Majette; I still have a bad taste in my mouth from her campaign against McKinney in 2002; nor did I like the fact that she sought higher office before she even finished her first term in the House. Oh well, I wish her the best in whatever she does. She's still young, literally and politically. Maybe Governor in 2006? Doesn't matter, I'm voting for Cathy Cox.


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